Friday, September 28, 2012

Nerd vs. Avatar

So many things to say about this movie:

1. James Cameron - This guy makes goreous movies and I love the way he's always pushing the technology farther than anyone thought possible. The CGI actually looks organic at times and is very impressive.

2. The Story - Sorry, Mr. Cameron, but your story is not original. Someone beat you to it and it was called 'Ferngully: The Last Rainforest.' For those that have seen this 90's cartoon movie, 'Avatar' follows it's plot pretty closely. It is not exact but the similarities are enough that it was a naturaly conclusion for me. I won't go into the specifics because frankly, the differences would be a much shorter list. Normally my other gripe would be about the political message behind this movie but I never felt like the concept was being pushed on me. It was there, I just didn't have to pay attention to it if I didn't want to. Suffice it to say, this is an AWESOME live action remake of 'Ferngully'. Just not original - in the slightest.

3. The Acting - Solid.......there's not much more to say. It's just great all around. James Cameron seems to be able to acknowledge an actor's strengths and weeknesses and use those to the betterment of the film. This as opposed to another director who seems to bring out the absolute worst in everyone - I'm lookin at you, Lucas!!

4. 3D - This movie is quite amazing in 3D. It's not forced and is only used to enhance the picture and not for novelty sake. I will say that if at all possible see it in IMAX 3D and not Digital 3D. The latter is lacking in it's technology and the IMAX experience makes you feel much more immersed. This has nothing to do with the film itself mind you. Just an observation.

I personally would recommend this movie to everyone who's a fan of adventure films. It's entertaining and that's kinda the point, huh? Even though it's a recycled story and the political points are more than obvious - I'd give this move a solid 4/5. I'm sure there are more flaws and positives that I've missed, but this is one man's experience.